
A girl, a bike, and an open road

I got back to the hotel and checked in, checked my paperwork, and waited for my turn to face the scorers. That’s when I got the bad news - my mistake with the misclaimed bonus cost me at least $4,077, and added to bonuses that in retrospect I should’ve claimed, I left just over $5,000 on the field. I wasn’t too broken up about it though…

Not bad for a rookie!

Final standings for the 36-hour riders

Turns out those $5,000 wouldn’t have made a difference. I’m pretty happy with my showing here - I had really good efficiency (~73 points/mile ridden) and if I had scored those extra $5,000, I would’ve had an efficiency of >79/mile, higher than the the first place finisher.. so from an efficiency perspective, I put together a REALLY good route. The champion went with JAKE and ELWOOD also, as well as BLUES and BROTHERS; I had noted those being good bonuses, but had dropped them from my route planning for some forgotten reason.

I had an absolutely great time - the rally was amazingly well done, everyone was super welcoming and friendly, and it really showed me that this is in fact something that I don’t just enjoy, but I might actually be slightly good at…

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