Colorado Bound: Packing the bike
30 August ’17
Spent two hours paring down what I’m planning to take on this trip; there’s only so much volume/weight the bike can hold. It’s kind of like a hiking trip oh hey wait a minute, “bounce boxes”!! I can mail things I’ll need/want to a friend in Boulder and not deal with hauling it across the western desert like some pioneer!
Great. One more thing to do. I swear, being a spontaneous adventurer takes a lot of planning. In the end I’m taking my tools, riding gear, 2 changes of clothes, electronics, and my camping gear. Everything else ended up in a UPS box that cost ~$35 to ship.. that’s a small price to pay for not having to deal with it.
TIL that for $17 a week the USPS will collect your mail and once-a-week box it up and ship it to wherever you happen to be, AND you can swap destination addresses for this service online. Handy!